Ecosystem Awareness


A global healthcare company was preparing to launch a rare disease drug in the US for a complex, highly fragmented disease. Our team was approached to help identify innovative solutions to prepare them for a successful launch. The primary objective of this project was to identify top tactics and proven successes from in and outside of healthcare that will help Product X maximize awareness and unify the ecosystem.


We applied our proven strategic innovation approach: FRAME, CREATE, PRIME. During FRAME, we identified the core challenges for the Disease X situation. Challenges were identified through an extensive market research deep dive, and key discussions with the project team.


We applied our proven strategic innovation approach: FRAME, CREATE, PRIME. During FRAME, we identified the core challenges for the Disease X situation. Challenges were identified through an extensive market research deep dive, and key discussions with the project team.

Outputs from the FRAME phase guided our search for best practices from diseases facing similar challenges to Disease X. Over 25 diseases were identified that fit the search criteria and were filtered through using specific filters to Disease X.


The final output revealed four disease states most similar to Disease X, uncovering four winning themes:  

  1. Strategic Collaborations
  2. Passionate Leaders
  3. Rallying Points
  4. Community Empowerment.  

We then looked for precedent inspiration outside of pharma, assessing over 35 precedents, with four revealing insights most relevant to Disease X’s situation:

1. Unifying a Community
2. Building Trust in the Community
3. Fighting for a Cause
4. Shifting Mindsets.

Winning themes from in and outside of pharma helped shape strategic imperatives for maximizing awareness and unifying the ecosystem during the final phase of the project, PRIME to help bring the ideas to strategy. Focusing on these areas, especially around advocacy, helped ensure a success launch for the company.   

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NJ 07927 USA.

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16 Wing Drive Cedar Knolls,
NJ 07927 USA.

+1 917-536-0669
[email protected]